Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 19, 2011

Farm Implement Parade

So this is a little late, but now that I finally have the pictures uploaded onto my computer I figured I'd finally write about it.  On Saturday, December 3rd, Michael and I went up to Sunnyside to see the Farm Implement parade. I hadn't seen it in years and Michael had never seen it, so we figured now was a good time.  It has definitely changed over the years, but it is a tradition I hope we continue for years to come!

Beginning of Parade---flags coming by

Tractor with lights

More tractors

Grape Harvest all lit up


Coca Cola Truck


LTI truck (aka Darigold milk truck)

It's a very cool experience and if you're ever in the area the first weekend of December you should go see!  It's a unique experience!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

We've moved!!!

So a lot of you are aware we've have some major changes in our life.  After living in Hawaii for two beautiful months we decided we wanted to be closer to family, so we moved back to Washington.  Michael started a new job last week as the network administrator for a cyber security firm and is loving it!  Because his job is in West Richland, we decided to move to be closer to his work.  Well, after some searching, we found a BEAUTIFUL house 0.9 miles from his office.

(front of the house)

(The laundry area and garage)

It's a little bigger than what we needed, but we couldn't pass it up!  We are just renting but are totally in love with this house!  I'm having so much fun setting up our home and being a stay-at-home wife!  For those who live in the area, feel free to stop by!  We love having visitors!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Big Island 2011

My husband was AMAZING and planned our honeymoon without me knowing what we were doing.  All I was aware of was we were flying in and out of Kona on the Big Island.  Beyond that is was all a surprise and what a surprise it was!

We arrived in Kona on Monday night and went to eat at a little place in Kona called Island Lava Java.  It was FANTASTIC!!  The food was great and it overlooked the water.  We got there right before sunset so I was able to see my first Kona sunset on the first day!  After we ate, we drove to the place we would stay for the next couple of nights.  It was a very cute little Bed & Breakfast called Lilikoi Inn.(  We were greeted by the owners and welcomed with a delicious island smoothie!

The next day we went swimming at a beach just north of Kona.  It was so much fun!  I loved it!  The ocean is so amazing!  After swimming we headed into Kona for the next surprise Michael had up his sleeve.  We had lunch at a place called Buns in the Sun ( and then waited.  All of a sudden a van pulls up and Michael tells me our next adventure is here.  It was a van with Mauna Kea Summit Adventures.  Yes, we were going to the top of Mauna Kea (a whole 13,728 feet that is!).

On day 3, we headed to the other side of the island via the north route.  It was a very pretty drive and reminded me very much of diving through the mountain passes (very green).  We stayed in Hilo for 3 days.  Our big adventure in Hilo (again a surprise from my honey) was a helicopter ride over Kilauea (the volcano that has been erupting on and off for the last few years and started to reflow 2 weeks after our honeymoon).  It was AMAZING!!!

Here is a little video of the crater as we're flying over it.  *Sorry it's a little blurry at first, but it does get clear and you can see the smoke coming out of the crater.*
Here is a picture of the crater:
After the helicopter ride we were picked up and taken to Akaka Falls ( followed by swimming at a locals only spot (by ourselves!) and then to a remote location for a very romantic dinner overlooking a waterfall.  It was BEAUTIFUL!!

Akaka Falls:

Here's a pic of the waterfall we sat and watched while eating dinner:
We headed back to Kona for our last night and decided to go around the sound side of the island.  We walked on a black sand beach (pic standing on the rocks at the bland sand beach)
and then stopped at the Southern most point in the United States.
So much fun is such a little time!  Can't wait to go back and visit the Big Island again!

Finally...Wedding Pics

So I know there are some of you who have been waiting to see pictures from the wedding.  Sorry it took so long but I just received the pictures!  So here they are!  July 9, day of my life (so far!)!

Michael & I
Deanne (my maid of honor) and I
My bouquet---calla lillies & star gazer lillies!
Schwartz Family pic
Schwartz kids & parents (first time we've all been together in 2 years!)
Deanne, Michael & I at our reception
Our gazer lillies!!

Our cake...simple, elegant, and VERY tasty!

So as you can see, the day was wonderful and everything I imagined my wedding would be like!  Thanks so much to Reagran Lara-Rood for all her hard work with the reception!  It was excellent!  And to Natalie Copeland for the amazing pictures!!!  And thanks to my AMAZING mom for the FANTASTIC dress she created (literally!)  July 9, 2011 has been the best day of our lives so far and it just keeps getting better!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Seattle...May 2011

So during Michael's last visit we decided to take my car up to Seattle to be shipped to Honolulu before the wedding.  That way we have my car there when we get back from the honeymoon.  Since Michael has never been to Seattle before (other than coming into the airport at Christmas last year...the first time we met in person) we decided to take advantage and spend a couple of days roaming around Seattle. Unfortunately, because of some projects Michael had to get done while he was here, we weren't able to see how as much of Seattle as we wanted to.  Oh well, we'll just have to visit it on one of our trips home!

Here's some pictures of our trip:

Pike Place Market

Space Needle

 Wonder what he's thinking about?!?!?  ;-)

Just got off the monorail at Westlake Shopping Center

View of Seattle from the Space Needle at sunset

Bye Seattle...until we meet again!  

11 days until FOREVER begins!  50 hours til my honey and I are together again!  How much better can life get right now?!?!?!

Friday, April 29, 2011

What a Wonderful World...

So Michael was up here for his monthly visit this last week so I thought I'd share a couple of fun things we did.  First off, Michael decided he wanted us to do something a little different for a date, especially since we "technically" haven't had many...although week-long visits could count as one big date, I think.  He had made arrangements for us to go on a dinner cruise and it was AMAZING!!!!!  If you ever have the opportunity and are in Portland, I HIGHLY recommend it!  (  The captain we had (Shane) was absolutely FANTASTIC!!!  It was really fun and a great way to see Portland!  Here's a couple of pics from our time on the water.

Michael & I on the boat

Michael & I with downtown Portland in the background

Mmmm...look at all that yummy food! 

Downtown Marriot and more of Portland City lights...beautiful!

 More views of Portland on the boat

Another fun thing we did was my niece, Keira, and I took Michael to "our" zoo...aka Portland Zoo.  Although it rained a little, we were actually able to time our snack runs and hot chocolate stops with when it started to down pour so we didn't get quite as wet as we could have.  Here's some pics of our trip to the zoo!

Keira, the 4-year-old photographer, took this picture of us...not the most flattering of us, but she did great getting us both in without cutting off our heads!

Keira watching the African birds while it poured outside.  We enjoyed hot chocolate while we watched the birds fly around.

On the Jeep at the African Exhibit...too cute!

Michael feeding the Lorikeet.  This is my favorite thing to do at the zoo!

What better way to travel around the zoo than with your own personal chauffeur!  Vroom, vroom!

What better way to end a post than with this picture!  This was at the Bald Eagle exhibit at the zoo.  Totally amazing! 

We had so much fun and can't wait until our next adventures!  The best adventure of all will start July 9th!!!!  We can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Take Me Out... a BALL GAME!  Yes, you read that right. 

This is where I was on Sunday

Safeco Field
 (before the game from my seat)

During the game
Thanks to my brother-in-law, Monico I was able to go to my first baseball game ever!  Yes, EVER!  I had never even been to a junior high or high school baseball game, let alone a pro-baseball game.  Needless to say, although the Mariners lost (6-4), I got to meet Mrs. Edgar Martinez (Holli) and have one of these...


I even came away with a souvenir of my own...a sunburn!  Yes, even when it's raining outside, apparently you can still get red!

Thanks for the memories Melissa & Monico DeLeon!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


So I may be a little biased, but my man is THE BEST!  He completely surprised me today with these: 
Yes, lillies (my favorite flower!) and teddy bear!  I can't wait to become Mrs. Michael Bishop on July 9th!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So for those of you who know me know I'm not a very big shopper.  It's not that I don't like to shop.  It's more of if I go shopping I have to have something specific I'm looking for.  Well what better excuse to go shopping than an upcoming wedding...especially when it's your own!  For those of you who are not aware, my fiance is from Hawaii (Waikiki to be exact) and after going to BYU-Hawaii, I consider Hawaii a second home so it is only natural for us to try and incorporate some of Hawaii into our wedding and reception (ex.  I'm going to have a flower in my hair verses a veil or tiara).  I decided I didn't want to go with traditional high heel or "Sunday best" shoes and tennis shoes seemed a little too informal.  I really like the idea of wearing flip-flops instead.  So here's a picture of what my "reception" shoes look like.  I'm totally pumped!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aloha & Welcome to our blog!

So we figured the best way to start our blog was by sharing some pictures my WONDERFUL sister-in-law Brandy captured for us this weekend.  To say she's not a "professional" photographer we think she did great! 

Picture for wedding announcement - Check!